Our 6 fav books right now!

Reading before bed can be part of a bedtime routine that, when carried out regularly, signals to the brain that it's time to sleep. When a person reads in bed, their heart slows and their muscles release tension, allowing the body to relax.

As you know, we are pretty obsessed with sleep over here! So reading before bed, with a warming cup of SLEEP LUKA is now our most favourite bed time routine! Sure beats staring aimlessly at our screens for hours!

1. House Of Eve, Sadeqa Johnson

I realised I didn't know much about women in the 1950s in America, this novel was researched well so it truly captured the time. This is about two young Black women who both fall in love with someone who society deems as unacceptable for them.

I loved both of the leading ladies of this novel who were honest, vulnerable, clever and ambitious. The themes, although hard to believe in this day and age, are educational but also sad and you really do want the best for the characters.

But although the themes of this time such as race, colour, sexism and class were explored fully, the characters were still the main story which I loved.

2. Something Bad Is Going to Happen, Jessie Stevens

Heart Sick left me in awe of Jessie Stephens. Never had I read a book that I actually felt every emotion the character was feeling so deeply. This novel also explored raw emotions and relatable experiences we all feel as part of our 20's. The main theme explored was mental illness and how it manifests in every aspect of people's lives, whether it be you or someone you love.

Although definitely not a light hearted novel, it is an important one. And one that we can all learn from. I really loved this book and recommend to everyone!

3. The Bee Sting, Paul Murray

This book was long, very long. But extremely cleverly written from the changes in writing style to reflect each character to the nuances which seem insignificant but carry much meaning. It is a family drama with intriguing characters, and a plot that reads like a thriller. 

This book is set in Ireland exploring a family gradually growing dysfunctional, through three generations with four narrators. Funny at times, sad in others and very captivating. I would say this is NOT for the faint hearted based on its length alone but it is utterly brilliant. I am not going to lie, I also had to google the end to see other's interpretations of the story which also made me see it from multiple viewpoints.

4. Lola In the Mirror, Trent Dalton

If you love Trent Dalton's writing or not, no one can deny that he really is a clever author. Weaving magic into a serious story, you really do need to catch your breath after reading this one.

The main female character from Brisbane took me with her along her poverty stricken, crime ridden, bored AND action packed life layered with vivid imagination. Although it was like being on a rollercoaster full of emotions, it is one I still think of and loved every single page!

I felt closer to this novel for the fact it was based in Australia and helped me understand the poverty line and housing crisis. That said, it wasn't depressing as it sounds, but a well told story that gripped me till the end.

5. The Rachel Incident, Caroline O'Donoghue

The Rachel Incident is a very funny and wonderful story about friendship, love, and everything that you experience when growing up. It was a great reminder of what it was like to be in my twenties again, and learning the way of the world amongst all the messiness.

O'Donoghue manages to weave questionable decisions of the characters organically into the novel whilst addressing morality, sexuality, bodily autonomy, economic stability, and career aspirations.

I really loved all the messiness of this novel and definitely recommend it for those not wanting anything too heavy.

6. Every Last Suspect, Nicola Moriarty

Loved this thriller from the first page and trying to figure out who killed the loveable but hate-able Harriet. All the characters had their own personalities and hidden thoughts and I loved getting in the minds of all of them to see how plausible their motive was. This wasn't a traditional thriller, it also had a great storyline so offered light entertainment whilst reaching a great climax at the end.

If you want something easy and entertaining to read, I absolutely recommend this! Its fun, addictive and easy and doesn't take too much brain power!

We hope you love this book list and get stuck into one of them before bed with your SLEEP LUKA routine!


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